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甄连达教授 是中国医药学会(HK)永远名誉会长,新加坡国立大学免疫学及癌症中心客座教授,他曾获得美国AAMA自然疗法医疗研究中专业证书和美国AAMA自然疗法医疗协会的资格证书, 甄连达教授在2001年的“世界十大城市医药团体能力建设首脑会议”及医学论坛颁发的”卓越医学学术奖”。



EM Drink is Nature Biotechnology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. developed the Top Ten Influential Brands won the 2008 Chinese health drinks market.


EM Drink become the 2008 Fourth World Eminence Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention designated National Day state banquet reception drinks



甄教授抱着一个宗旨 ─ 多一个人饮用EM源,就少一个病人。就是这份宗旨,这份执着,甄教授不断地把EM源推介给不同人士饮用,令更多人重拾健康体魄,青春活力。同时亦想办法将经营成本降低,使EM源的价钱更大众化,甄教授亦打算成立一个慈善基金,在每支售出的EM源中抽出两元转入基金户口,只要合乎资格者就可申请基金津贴,资助经济有困难人士饮用EM源的一半价钱,从而令更多人受惠,重获健康人生。现时甄连达教授经常会到美国,日本等地区继续参与学术研究及讨论,继续研究不同类形的保健产品,希望能令更多人士获得强健的体魄,重拾精彩人生。




Professor Zhen Liang Da is the permanent honorary president of Chinese Medicine Society (HK), Visiting Professor of National University of Singapore Immunology and Cancer Center. He had obtained professional certificates from American AAMA Natural Therapy Medical Research and professional certificates of AAMA Natural Therapy Medical Association. In 2001, Professor Zhen obtained the “Academic Excellence Medical Award” from his published thesis at the Global Medical Organization Conference

After years of research and clinical trials, with many developments in extraction technology and synthesis of the beneficial microorganisms (EM), Prof Zhen successfully developed the modern bio-tech EM source.

Research and development process of the EM Drink

Twenty years ago, Professor Zhen and two Japanese researchers Dr. Tian Zhongmao and Dr. Bijialiefu, as well as a group of U.S. researchers went to Cambodia to rescue AIDS patients. After the researchers gave patients the probiotic drinks, they discovered probotics have a positive healing effect. Since then, Professor Zhen conducted further studies with researchers from Japan and the United States, constantly improved and produced EM source in the R & D process. During the research process, Professor Zhen added EM source to water before irrigation to fruits and vegetables, and also used EM to feed animals, and found that with EM injected, fruits and vegetables grow larger with more vitality than ordinary fruit, and animals grow stronger and healthier, and thus started the clinical testing in humans. Clinical trials showed that after four months of taking EM, it has helped patients’ immune system, give skin a healthier glow, concurrently various indices of the body have also been enhanced. Later the Japanese regulatories decided to protect the R&D formulation of the EM source in order to prevent leakage of the formula, the two Japanese researchers had to stay in Japan to continue their studies on EM. Professor Zhen and the American researchers also returned to their own countries to continue develop EM source. 

Over the years, Professor Zhen constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of EM source and became the founder of EM and started mass production. Professor Zhen has a calling – one more person who knows about EM, one less sick patient. This dedication has continued to inspire Professor Zhen to promote the EM source to different people for drinking, so that more people would regain good physical health and youthful vitality. Currently Professor Zhen continued his travel to the United States, Japan and other countries to participate in various academic convention and discussion, to continue his research of the latest health care products.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2004 – medical clinical trials 
Clinical trial to the human body taking (including: cancer, tumor, hepatitis viruses, skin virus) clinical trials
United Nations Mission in the clinical trials of the Japanese Red Cross Society in 2005 
Clinical trial to the human body taking (including: cancer, tumor, hepatitis viruses, skin virus) clinical trials
Clinical trials in Cambodia Fifth People’s Hospital of Hebei Province in 2006 
Clinical trial to the human body taking (including: cancer, tumor, hepatitis viruses, skin virus) clinical trials